Born on the Yorkshire/Scottish border town of Doncaster, Stilly has been entertaining the world since 1968. He is a poet, storyteller and illustrator (but not necessarily in that order) and in his spare time he spends time with his allotment, the pub and his family (but not necessarily in that order).

Some of his main influences are the art of Edward Gorey, William Heath Robinson, Viz Magazine, the poetry of Marriot Edgar, Billy Bennett and Harry Graham, the stories of Rod Serling, Horror Portmanteau films and Tales of the Unexpected, and the comedy of Galton and Simpson, BBC Radio and anyone else who knows him.

His stories include….

The Absent Turkey

The Magnificent Hendersons

The Extreme Point

The Beautiful Swallow

The Ninth Illusion

The Zodiac Night

The Chintz Biopsy

The Oratario Amusia

The Karma Recess

The Draft Epitaph

The Parsimonious Lighthouse

The Leaky Kegs

The Equivocal Museum

The Quiet Metronome

The Randy Panda

The Furloughed Merlot

The Silent Chime


The Grey Fingerprints

The Twisted Stick

The Ug Ug-ug

The Humberland Gap

Each Bitch Scare Scum

The Iffley Ladies

The Vacant Plinth

The Jerkins Approach

The Wickersley Pie

Hassle and Gristle

The Dust Enclosed

The Makeshift Planchette

The Looming Problem

The Incorrigible Dirigible

The Eternal Dandelion

The Low Cost

The Mezzaluna Blades

The Asthmatic Wizard

The Fallacious Plot

The Jerez Deluks

The Third Graveyard

The Young Murderers

The Quadruple Thumbscrew

The Seamstress’s Emerald

The Ghosty Sponge

The Ruptured Nozzle

The Grindleford Hermit

The Almost Wronged

The Chiltern Hundreds

The Zugzwang Quartet

The Previous Ampersand

The Uneaten Dentist

La Bruine Perdue (coming soon)

The Three-Quarters Left (not coming soon)

The Golden Disc (not coming soon)

The House that Bled Blood - due Christmas 2024

Stilly armed with his book, screen, projector and cap.

Stilly armed with his book, screen, projector and cap.